(678) 851-2142
Lilburn family owned and operated company since 2000
We offer 3 full lawn maintenance programs: year round program 12 months contract.
- Weekly (once a week, every week),
- Biweekly (every 2 weeks),
- Weekly Spring & Summer and Biweekly Fall & Winter (every week April to September, every 2 weeks October to March)
Rates: Our monthly maintenance is a flat prorated rate through a 12-month period. Regardless of the season, your rate stays the same throughout the year. Easy to budget as your bill never varies. No surprise charges or hidden fees.
Click HERE for our terms of agreements.
Year round maintenance includes:
- Lawn Mowing (as needed)
- Reel mowing available
- Edging lawn and beds
- Weed eating property
- Blowing lawn and hardscape area
- Blowing common areas (for commercials and HOA properties)
- Mulching leaves from lawn (as needed)
- Removing leaves and debris from beds (little at each service)
- Trimming shrubs and hedges (as needed)
- Trimming small Crepe Myrtles (in February)
- Shape Ivy (if any)
- Spraying weeds* in non-flowering beds only (as needed,
*we do not hand pull-weeds during maintenance)
At this time we do not offer one time lawn care service.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Other maintenance services available upon request:
This services are not includes in the maintenance program
and are extras you can request at any time.
- Yard bags removal from property - extra $15/month
- Reel mowing (warm season grasses)
- Irrigation maintenance Spring startup and Winterization
- Annuals, pine straw and mulch "refresh" installation
- Aerating and Overseeding of Fescue grass
- Aerating warm season grasses
- Chemicals treatment (with Executive Turf Care)
Cleanups - Limited availability. Call ahead!
Initial cleanup before lawn maintenance,
and one time cleanup:
We have a flat fee for cleanups:
- Half day $740
- Full day $1,480
- Any extra hours: $185/hour
*Cleanups must be half day minimum in Fall and Winter,
and full day minimum in Spring and Summer. Cleanups
are upon availability.
Please contact us to check availabilities.
Yard debris removal with cleanups:
We can bag the yard debris for County pickup,
or we can remove debris from the property to recycling Center for $300 per load (1 truck load, 14 cubic yard).